A typical daily schedUle 日程安排



  • 8:00 am pickup for Bard Campus. 8:00 am 校车接到音乐学院
  • Breakfast in the Bard College student dining hall. 学生餐厅吃早餐
  • 1 hour English class. 一小时英文课
  • 2 hours morning sectional rehearsals, private lessons, or chamber music coaching. 2小时排练个别课,声部排练,乐团排练,室内乐指导研习
  • Lunch in the Bard College student dining hall. 学生餐厅吃午饭
  • 3 hours orchestra rehearsal. 3小时乐队排练
  • 2 hours recreation on campus (pool, fields, gym). 2小时休息 (游泳,健身房等体育运动设施)
  • Dinner in the dining hall. 学生餐厅晚饭
  • Evening events: faculty concerts, American folk music, improvisation classes, and more. 晚上活动:教师音乐会,美国民乐欣赏,即兴演奏等
  • Return to Barrytown Conference Center dormitories around 9pm.  晚9点回到宿舍
  • Details subject to change. 细节可能会有更动